Monday, March 21, 2011

Homefront Game Review for Xbox 360

Homefront is a game with good intentions, but the graphics look like they belong on the first X Box and not the XBox 360. The graphics remind me Resistance Fall of Man on Playstation 3. The story mode is very easy and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) is old school. The story line is very predictable. The atmosphere is limited, you can't walk into certain areas and you can't interact with certain items. There are a lot of glitches in the game. I've already encountered characters getting frozen in mid air, guns suddenly materialize out of nowhere into the character's hands, and ghost characters talking. The guys over Kaos/THQ forgot to make the characters for the script that is playing in the game- at one point there is supposed to be a beggar kid asking the main character for donations, but the character is no where to be found. 

The multiplayer game play in Homefront is entertaining. Online Xbox 360 game play supports 32 players at once in one game which is very fun. The multiplayer would be the only good reason to buy this game. It's a mix between Battlefield and Call of Duty. It mirrors Call of Duty in the way you can unlock weapon upgrades. The nice thing is, you don't have to get extremely high kill streaks before you get perks like drones, helicopters, and tanks. The more kills you get during the match the more battle points you receive, allowing you to purchase heavy machinery such as attach helicopters, tanks, etc, when you need them.

Overall I would give Homefront for XBox 360 2.5 out of 5 stars for story mode and 3.5 out of 5 stars for online game play.

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